Vivaldi - Temat główny
To niby Opera ma coś takiego teraz ale widzę, że i w V to działa całkiem nieźle...

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Ciekawy artykuł

"We only need five million monthly users to make money and I'm confident that we will get there."
Więc chyba tłumaczyć nie trzeba. Raczej przekroczyli tą sumę, więc będą na siebie zarabiać. Ciekawe jak... Czy Google sypnie kasą?

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Jest nas już milion ale żeby zaczęła zarabiać trzeba 5 milionów. Z tego tekstu wynika, że mail w wersji 2.0 pod koniec roku będzie a 1.2 pod koniec maja.
Jest nowy:

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[UI] [New feature] Added color picker component which applies to themes. (VB-18195)
[UI] Added animation when loading thumbnail in Speed Dial and tab thumbnails.
[UI] Updated ‘Subtle Theme’ accent background. (VB-18346)
[UI] Default favicon is now responding to color variables. (VB-18806)
[UI] Corrected cut favicon in stacked tab. (VB-18684)
[UI] Increased tab stack contrast (VB-18346)
[UI] Prevent empty gestures. (VB-16908)
[UI] Address field drop-down cannot be dismissed by click on UI. (VB-18696)
[UI] Use visual thumbnails for tab position (VB-18956)
[UI] [Regression] Fixed extension buttons to work on Private windows. (VB-17328)
[URL] Fixed issue when highlighting text and using backspace to delete the text which didn’t work. (VB-18857)
[URL] Improved url field selection handling. (VB-18926)
[URL] Scheme is duplicated when copying data and javascript URLs. (VB-18855)
[URL] [Regression] Typed history is again accessible in the search bar. (VB-18957)
[URL] [Linux] Middle clicking tab also paste in url field on linux (VB-18887)
[Regression][Mac] Fixed window title overlapping in tab bar on OS X 10.10. (VB-18658)
[New feature] Added setting to disable tab close alignment and freezing.
[New feature] Middle click to navigation buttons (Home, Reload, Back, etc.) opens in new background tab. (VB-16771)
[Performance] Animations are faster again when opening lots of tabs in short succession. (VB-18840)
[Performance] Improved performance related to i18n. (VB-9025)
[Regression] X button on the Keyboard Cheat Sheet is displayed again. (VB-18843)
Cancelled fast forward on space with any modifier. (VB-16475)
Closing several tabs in a row doesn’t close window anymore. (VB-18587)
Used substitution in search field placeholder for Japanese and other languages. (VB-18897)
Installer checkboxes are not overlapping anymore. (VB-18822)
Spatial navigation indicator should hide on mouse click (VB-18936)
Disabled experimental Chromium Field Trial tests (VB-18996)
Doubled installation progress window is now only one as it should be. (VB-18164)
Killed Vivaldi crash when opening New Private Window with setting “about:blank” to open new tab. (VB-18263)
Fix default value for pinned page. (VB-17907)
Double-click to close tab is fixed. (VB-18690)
Improved tab positioning and pinned tab. (VB-18677)

Last modified on Thursday, 23 June 2016 15:53
No i mamy 1.3

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Trochę wolno to jednak idzie... Dużo osób chciało pomóc CEO ale odrzuca wszelkie próby...

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[New feature] [Themes] Theme change scheduling (VB-20445)
[New feature][Trash] Let middle-click on Trash icon restore recently closed tab (VB-20624)
[Regression] [Mac] Escaping fullscreen crashes vivaldi (VB-20886)
[Regression] History entry in URL dropdown cannot be deleted (VB-21017)
[Regression] Can't delete history on search box if the entry is too long (VB-16086)
[Regression] Vivaldi crashes when denying web notifications after leaving the website (VB-20855)
[Regression] Tab not displayed on tab Trash list if closed on Speed Dial (VB-10032)
[Fixed] Bookmark bar folder is not removed from toolbar when deleted (VB-20804)
[Fixed] Bookmark added twice after confirming with Enter (VB-15345)
[Fixed] Add Scots Gaelic to installer and settings (VB-20992)
[Fixed] Resizing panels pushes right-placed tabs (VB-20839)
[Fixed] Search in notes does not look into URL field (VB-16919)
[Fixed] Drop URLs on Tab Bar or individual tabs (VB-1369)
[Fixed] Auto-update fails with non-ASCII character in user name (VB-20771)
[Mac] Gestures don't work in Settings in a tab (VB-20258)
[Mac] Tab stack indicator not visible if native window is used (VB-12504)
[Mac] Top bar lost in full screen state when switching tabs (VB-20156)
[Bookmarks] Panel - no collapse after pressing left arrow key on subitem? (VB-16434)
[Bookmarks] Import of Bookmarks from Firefox fails (VB-20401)
[Bookmarks] Add bookmark pop-up looks wrong (VB-20276)
[Bookmarks][URL] Matching bookmarks do not show up in URL field drop down (VB-20705)
[Notes] Adding an attachment to a Note is impractical (VB-20603)
[Notes] Panel not keyboard accessible (VB-10240)
[Panels] Add configurable buttons to Web panels and separate resize to all panels (VB-20503)
[Panels] Let web panels delay loading until activated the first time (VB-20595)
[Spatnav] Can't select Righmost "Login" button and leftmost "Vivaldi blog team" is not reachable (VB-13014)
[Search] After pressing enter in search field, dropdown flickers (VB-20746)
[Search] Can't delete search field typed history (VB-20744)
[URL] Autocomplete on Vivaldi URLs in URL field (VB-19107)
[URL] Do not add invalid URLs to typed history (VB-19106)
[Zoom] Create setting to disable zooming with CTRL/CMD + scrolling (VB-20069)
[Zoom] Maximum Zoom with Scrollwheel is 300% (VB-17298)
Differentiate visually Stable vs Snapshot version (VB-20253)
Can not reopen tab from menu (VB-20402)
Cloned tab appears after active tab not cloned tab (VB-20188)
Closing a Fullscreen Video with CTRL+W should also exit from fullscreen mode (VB-15127)
Context menus do not show up in settings page (VB-20289)
Creating a new bookmark/notes folder does not set focus in the name field (VB-20072)
Default webpage zoom is not respected in private mode (VB-20351)
Find in page quick command does not focus search field (VB-20706)
Keyboard shortcut for clearing browsing data does not work (VB-20666)
Loosing chars if quickly typing into find in page (VB-19532)
Center images (VB-3193)
Middle-click does not open link in background in History (VB-3250)
"Open in new window" on bookmark folder creates multiple windows (VB-5492)
Option to open session in new window (VB-14386)
Page accent color always gray in private tabs (VB-19964)
Panel opening movement improvement (VB-17688)
Panels stuck at minimum width, no more dragging possible (VB-20295)
Prioritize meta-theme-color and dominant colors for UI colorization(VB-19956)
Related tabs are sometimes placed at the end (VB-20411)
Releasing the mouse button over Speed Dial folders opens them (despite not clicking on them) (VB-20130)
Saved passwords are not reflected in privacy settings (VB-19929)
Search engine order is incorrect in search dropdown field (VB-20681)
Search suggest for yandex not working (VB-14070)
Simplify color picking algorithm for tabs (VB-20255)
Tab UI is still overlapping the panels in certain themes (VB-20542)
Theme color not applied in private mode (VB-20409)
URL scheme is inherited from previous URL (VB-19788)
Wrong shortcut action if Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDwn is defined (VB-16444)
Zooming and tab switcher activate on too many shortcuts (VB-20282)
Upgraded to Chromium 53

Last modified on Thursday, 08 September 2016 07:01
Vivaldi 1.5 wylądował.
Duży changelog.

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Tryb czytania nadal bardziej nie działa niż działa.
Nie ogarniam po co ta integracja ze sterowaniem oświetleniem domu... w przeglądarce?
Ambilight rozumiem w tv, ale nie tu.
Ojj tam podświetlanie w domu jest ok
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
jest możliwość tłumaczenia stron z Ang na Pol ?
(22.11.2016, 11:23)lukasamd napisał(a):

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Nie ogarniam po co ta integracja ze sterowaniem oświetleniem domu... w przeglądarce?
Ambilight rozumiem w tv, ale nie tu.
Też mnie zastanawia ta funkcja...biorąc pod uwagę, ze to jej początek i mając na uwadze okrutne braki w bezpieczeństwie IoT na dziś...przykład

[Aby zobaczyć linki, zarejestruj się tutaj] bardzo bym się zastanawiał, czy z tego korzystać.
"Bezpieczeństwo jest podróżą, a nie celem samym w sobie - to nie jest problem, który można rozwiązać raz na zawsze"
"Zaufanie nie stanowi kontroli, a nadzieja nie jest strategią"
Może w zamian za to dostali dofinansowanie na rozwój?
Raczej dostali. Jak na razie to CEO sam wszystko finansuje. Jak ktoś nie chce to nie używa. W obecnych czasach gdzie wszystko jest upraszczane to V jest dla mnie wybawieniem...
Wersja 1.7. Zmiany na razie kosmetyczne ale już bliżej niż dalej do 2.0.

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New feature] Screenshot capture screenshot of entire page, selected parts of a page or the UI VB-24136
[New feature] Mute/unMute tab Quick Command actions and mapable keyboard shortcut, mouse gestures: “Mute/unmute Tab”, “Mute Other Tabs”, “Mute All Tabs”, “Unmute Other Tabs” and “Unmute All Tabs” VB-21377
[New feature] Add an extra warning for http websites that request passwords VB-23666
[New feature] Pinned tab hibernation is seperately configurableVB-24675
[New feature] Add more menu items to document context menu: Copy Page Address, Validate, Fullscreen, Bookmark Page, Bookmark Link VB-25051
[New feature] Add support for opening download images in the browser itself VB-24069
[New feature] Scrolling should zoom the page when mouse is over the zoom slider VB-2119
[New feature][Address field] Add setting to configure top level domain expansion with Ctrl+Enter VB-24975
[New feature][Bookmarks] Add support for displaying tree structure while searching VB-24724
[New feature][Bookmarks] Let it be possible to add bookmarks from open pages from bookmark tree context menu VB-25095
[New feature][Bookmarks][Notes] Make it possible to choose between flat and tree search in bookmarks and notes: change mode via panel context menu VB-25091
[New feature][Downloads] Transfer complete notification VB-752
[New feature][Notes] Add area selection capture to notes VB-25162
[New feature][Notes] Add support for displaying tree structure while searching VB-24823
[New feature][Notes] Ctrl+Shift+C should copy marked text to note VB-4018
[New feature][Sessions] Allow to save only tabs from current window when saving Session VB-14104
[New feature][macOS] Enable native notifications by default VB-15151
[New feature][Windows][Linux] Main menu is lacking keyboard accessibility for CJK VB-24851
[Address field] Google Maps URL not recognized and search opened VB-24678
[Address field] Hostname/path in address bar leads to default search instead of local domains VB-5507
[Address field] If the input contains a / but not a space, should navigate not search VB-24979
[Address field] Pointer cursor should shown when holding Ctrl VB-24004
[Address field] Top level domain removal with Ctrl clicking the URL VB-23937
[Address field] URLs with two spaces get searched instead of navigated to VB-24320
[Address field] Vivaldi freezes editing typed history URL in address bar (VB-25563)
[Bookmarks] Bookmarks lose title when dragged to Speed Dial VB-24059
[Bookmarks] Nicknames do not work in address field VB-24231
[Bookmarks] On entering Edit mode in the panel bookmark tree should scroll to show the added/edited item VB-10406
[Bookmarks] Sort context menu is mislabelled VB-24801
[Bookmarks] Vivaldi tries to import from Edge using a legacy method resulting in failure VB-24743
[Extensions] Badge text unreadable with some themes VB-24126
[Extensions] Buttons visibility Toggle VB-24579
[Extensions] Context menus for extension’s buttons VB-9681
[Extensions] Component extensions can’t be hidden and re-added in the same session VB-25060
[Extensions] Component extensions would execute actions with random results VB-25081
[History] Clear typed history not working on new dialog VB-23084
[IME] First character typed in address bar gets committed without converted to Japanese VB-16325
[Notifications] closes Vivaldi if in other full screen program VB-24712
[Panels] Position of notes and bookmarks view resets after changing the panel VB-20332
[Search field] Add Paste and Go right-click in search field VB-21366
[Search field] Alt+Enter clones current tab and opens new search tab VB-23982
[Search field] Clicking in the field should mark text VB-24688
[Search field] Does not use available space for multi-word results VB-24236
[Search Field] Search “Always open in new tab” does not work when choosing a different search VB-24813
[Search field] Typed history button is unusable until something is typed into the field VB-24090
[Sessions] Excessive usage of resources when opening session through File -> Open Saved Session: now uses lazy load settings VB-18923
[Spatial Navigation] Doesn’t work correctly with overflow:scroll VB-6087
[Spatial Navigation] Fails to select links, selects entire divs instead VB-23393
[Themes] Private window does not show any activity in the URL bar (VB-25435)
[Themes] The numbers and letters of the color code don’t change when you select a different theme VB-24209
[Themes] Parts of Geolocation dialog are unreadable in private mode VB-24134
[Linux] Context menu show up when starting mouse gesture in reopened tab VB-21862
[Linux] Update the signing key: Remove the old BF1700F8 key and add another for future usage VB-11533
[Windows][Linux] Hide menu bar in UI-less, native window VB-7812
[Windows][Linux] Panel activated in fullscreen mode doesn’t work back in window mode VB-24843
Add Startpage private search as a new default search engine option (VB-25174)
Backspace and single-key shortcuts triggered on some HTML5 forms and forms with JS listeners VB-15598
Clicking typed history item doesn’t update history VB-24318
Context menu doesn’t always show on right-click VB-20589
Crash tab using AdminLTE VB-24960
Crash while trying to hide Google cast button from address bar VB-24947
Download Panel doesn’t get focus if other panel is open VB-11002
Further work on menu accelerators for CJK VB-24645
Grayscale the favicons on tabs that are hibernated VB-24223
Let Ctrl+PageUp/Down select prev/next visible tab by default VB-24877
Links opened in private in new window are not private windows anymore VB-11809
Search text in PDF file doesn’t increment counter VB-4687
Site info position does not take UI Zoom into account VB-23997
The audio icon still animates when tab is hibernated VB-19243
Typing ‘vivaldi:’ doesn’t show autocomplete options VB-13738
Wrong title of Chinese language VB-25147
Updated Chromium to 56.0.2924.88
W dniu, w którym uda im się wycisnąć funkcję płynnego przechodzenia w górnym Menu bez konieczności osobnego klikania na File, Edit, View itd - kupuję!
(09.02.2017, 14:55)korbennn napisał(a):

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W dniu, w którym uda im się wycisnąć funkcję płynnego przechodzenia w górnym Menu bez konieczności osobnego klikania na File, Edit, View itd - kupuję!

Chodzi ci o tą górną belkę? Jeśli tak to Ustawienia->Wygląd->Menu->pasek menu
w10 - OSArmor + Simplewall
Tak, tylko żeby poza pokazaniem belki jeszcze można było swobodnie przchodzić pomiędzy kolejnymi File Edit.
Teraz, nadal jest to niemożliwe. Musisz kliknąć osobno na każdą z nich. Nie na moje nerwy Wink
Tak jak napisał korbenn jest to strasznie uciążliwe również w przypadku paska zakładek z folderami - trzeba w każdy klikać by otworzyć zawartość.

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