Inne CyberSafe Top Secret Ultimate za darmo
CyberSafe Top Secret Ultimate to program pozwalający na zabezpieczenie naszych cennych danych poprzez ich szyfrowanie.
Aplikacja pozwala na szyfrowanie plików, dysków oraz danych w chmurze np: Dropbox, Google Drive.

Cytat:CyberSafe Top Secret is an information security program that uses modern encryption algorithms (RSA, AES, BlowFish, etc.). The assortment of tools and features provided by CyberSafe Top Secret are valuable in all fields that work with information: protecting confidential information, protecting E-mail correspondence, creating and validating digital signatures.
CyberSafe Top Secret supports encryption on the basis of Public Key Infrastructure, and allows you to encrypt computer hard drives partitions, create encrypted virtual drives of any size, and also hide logical disks and encrypted files and folders on the user’s computer.



CyberSafe Top Secret gives you the ability to encrypt files and folders in different ways. When protecting files on a local computer, they can be placed in an encrypted partition of a logical disk, can be kept in a virtual encrypted volume, or can be stored in a folder protected by the transparent encryption feature.
When transferring files to other users, you can use Public Key Infrastructure, password encryption or encrypted self-extracting archives.
Supports Several Cryptoproviders

Supports Several Cryptoproviders

OpenSSL is an open-source cryptographic toolkit that allows you to create RSA, DH, and DSA keys, X.509 and PKCS#12 certificates, digital signatures, and form CSR and CRT.
OpenPGP is a Public Key Infrastructure-based email encryption protocol, which defines standard formats for encrypted messages, digital signatures, private keys, and also allows digital signature validation when exchanging public keys.
CryptoPro CSP is the Russian Federation certified cryptoprovider, providing support for the GOST 28147-89 and the GOST P34.10-2001 cryptostandards, which are necessary when working with any information system associated with the storing and processing of information that constitutes a state secret.
Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication

CyberSafe Top Secret uses a two-factor authentication system. This means that you not only need to know the password to access encrypted files, but also you need to have the private key, which must be stored on a removable disk, not a personal computer.
In this way, even if an intruder somehow manages to figure out your password, they still won’t be able to get access to the encrypted files as the private key is exclusively in your possession.
The Trusted Applications System

The Trusted Applications System

The Trusted Applications System was added to CyberSafe Top Secret to strengthen its security. It creates a list of trusted programs that will be able to access protected files for the folder the files are kept in, while the files that are not trusted will not have access. This allows you to limit access to confidential information for spyware, malware and other unwanted applications.
Transparent Network Folder Encryption

Transparent Network Folder Encryption

The program CyberSafe Enterprise can be used to efficiently set up transparent encryption for network folders in a corporate environment where there is a need to provide several company employees with simultaneous access to the same encrypted folder, and also for setting access privileges for confidential information of any sensitivity level.
Encryption on the User’s Computer

Encryption on the User’s Computer

When CyberSafe Enterprise is used for network folder encryption, all file encryption and decryption is performed exclusively by the user’s computer. This means that confidential files on the server are always stored encrypted which provides reliable protection. The program does not have to be installed on the file server and can be used in a corporate environment for information security in network-attached storages with an NTFS file system.
CryptoPro CSP Support

CryptoPro CSP Support

Russian legislation requires that all public institutions and information systems associated storing and processing information that constitutes a state secret, use encryption mechanisms that meet the GOST 28147-89 domestic cryptostandard, and the GOST P34.10-2001 Electronic Digital Signature standard. In addition, only certified cryptoproviders can be used for information encryption within the territory of the Russian Federation.
The program CyberSafe Enterprise supports the GOST 28147-89 encryption algorithm and is compatible with the CryptoPro CSP cryptoprovider certified in the Russian Federation, therefore, it completely satisfies the above requirements.
Storing keys on tokens

Storing keys on tokens

CyberSafe Enterprise allows you to hold cryptographic keys on tokens. It provides an additional level of security – you can always keep the private key on your person instead of leaving it on your computer.
Modern encryption algorithms

Modern encryption algorithms

AES is one of the most widely studied, and used symmetric block-encryption algorithms (key size up to 256 bits).
GOST is the Russian state standard for symmetric encryption (key size up to 256 bits). Among its advantages are that it renders forceful attacks useless, and it provides protection against the sneaking in of false data.
Blowfish is a block symmetric encryption algorithm (key size up to 448 bits). It is used when frequent change of keys is not required and high encryption and decryption speed is needed.
RSA is an asymmetric encryption algorithm (key size up to 8192 bits) allowing Public Key Infrastructure-based encryption (PKI), as well as the creation and validation of digital signatures.
Licenses and Certificates

Licenses and Certificates

CyberSafe’s entire product line is certified and licensed by the FSB and FSTEK, which allows the program to be used with Crypto Pro CSP, which is certified in the Russian Federation for information processing in banking, and state institutions.
Support and Training Materials

Support and Training Materials

The official CyberSafe site has detailed text training materials and video lessons on how to use the program, which would be useful both to information security amateurs and seasoned users alike. If you cannot find an answer to a question that interests you, you can always ask through our site’s tech support.
Open Source Code

Open Source Code

CyberSafe Disk Encryption, and all other products in the CyberSafe line, are open source which lets you be sure of the program’s transparency, and that there is no “back door” for information leaks.
Support for Several Cryptoproviders

Support for Several Cryptoproviders

OpenSSL is an open-source cryptographic protocol that allows you to create RSA, DH, and DSA keys, as well as X.509 and PKCS#12 certificates, digital signatures, and create CSR and CRT.
OpenPGP is a public key infrastructure-based email encryption protocol, which sets standard formats for encrypted messages, digital signatures, and private keys, as well as allowing digital signature validation upon public key exchange.
CryptoPro CSP is the Russian Federation certified cryptoprovider, which supports the GOST 28147-89 and GOST P34.10-2001 cryptostandards that must be used in any information system associated with the processing and storage of information that constitutes a state secret.
Forward Thinking Technology

Forward Thinking Technology

We use one of the most advanced technologies for hiding files and folders, based on using a special driver and the peculiarities of the Windows operating system, which allow you to reliably hide confidential information.
Used Together With Encryption

Used Together With Encryption

No method of hiding information can guarantee one hundred percent protection – only if it is used together with encryption, can one achieve the highest possible level of information security. For this reason, all information hidden with CyberSafe is encrypted preliminarily using modern encryption algorithms.
Intuitive Interface

Intuitive Interface

CyberSafe has an easy to understand user interface, which allows you to hide files and folders encrypt them, and subsequently to work with them quickly, easily and conveniently, without needing deep knowledge and skills of the information security field.
User-Friendly Design

User-Friendly Design

The CyberSafe CA root certificate is generated automatically when the program is first started and is installed in a trusted Windows archive. It is enough to exchange certificates with the recipient once when working with an encrypted e-mail; messages will be encrypted and decrypted automatically after that.
Robust Encryption Algorithms

Robust Encryption Algorithms

Public key infrastructure (PKI) with a key length up to 8192 bits is used for protection of electronic correspondence in CyberSafe. This excludes the possibility of compromising your electronic correspondence by decryption.
GOST E-mail Encryption

GOST E-mail Encryption

The main thing that differentiates GOST e-mail encryption from other methods is the fact that it is illegal to export the private keys to .PFX files in this encryption standard.
Therefore, for GOST encrypting the cryptoprovider CryptoPro CSP, certified in the Russian Federation is used with CyberSafe.


E-mail encryption is carried out on the user’s side (e-mail client), instead of on the server. This provides access to the sent information only for authorized end users.
CyberSafe Key Server

CyberSafe Key Server

All CyberSafe users’ certificates are held on the remote protected server. You can always publish your public key on it, and also download other users’ public keys from it. Convenient feature of search by email address will help to find a key of the needed user quickly.
Certificates Database

Certificates Database

To work conveniently with certificates, the program includes the powerful and fast database not using drivers during operation. The filter system is provided for search that is very convenient dealing with large volume of users’ certificates.

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