SecureAPlus - nowości, zmiany, wersje beta
Nowa wersja SAP...poniżej lista zmian do 2 ostatnich wydań
Cytat:Version 4.5.1 Date: 23 January 2017
What’s New:
  • Support Themes.
  • Add and select theme can be done by double clicking on the theme file (with .secureaplustheme extension).
  • Add and Remove theme from settings (App Settings > Others > Language & Personalization).
  • Policy for USB storage device is now exportable and ready to be controlled by SecureAge Managemene Server or SecureAPlus portal.
  • Improve Universal AV searching speed.
  • When language changed, auto refresh the dialog.
  • Added “Refresh” button at “Restricted Application” page.
  • Added “Refresh” button at “Quarantine” page.
  • Auto refresh in USB storage access control settings.
Bugs Fixed:
  • “Extend Freemium” and “Purchase Premium” button does not have background color
  • Move USB scan settings from “Removeable Media” to “Scan Settings”.
  • Move “Removeable Media” from “Others” to “Application Whitelisting”
  • Move “Good News” setting from “Language and Notifications” to “Universal AV”
  • If virus name contains new line, change it with space.
  • Prevent to add network root folder to Exclusions list, because it will appear as blank.
  • Add exception handling in EverythingServer.exe to prevent crash.
  • Change “Language & Notifications” to “Language & Personalization”
  • Reduce prompting when running Windows 10 Powershell for roaming profile.
  • Prevent multiple instance for checking whether software is up-to-date dialog.
  • Remove Slovenian language from combo box list.
  • Updated Chinese (Traditional & Simplified), German Japanese, Polish and Turkish translation.

Version 4.5.0 Date: 21 December 2016
What’s New:
  • USB access control for USB storage
  • Shows progress bar when exporting whitelist settings
  • Turkish translation
Bugs Fixed:
  • Transfer license link does not work.
  • For SecureAPlus without ClamAV, user can still scan even if the Offline engine and Universal AV are off.
  • After user clicked on “Yes” for the following message: “For better detection, do you allow to upload any type of files to Universal AV server?”, the UI still shows only upload executable file type. The answer was recorded, but the UI was not updated.
  • Crash when browsing files using QT file dialog browser.
  • When user wants to perform manual scanning, but all the engines are off, prompt to remind the user that at least  Universal AV or offline engine has to be enabled.
  • Change QT file dialog browser to Windows native file browser.
  • Change “Add” in the “Scan Settings” -> “Exclusions” to “Add File(s)” and “Add Folder”.
  • Update html file (include information about PUA/PUP).
  • Updated Polish translation.
  • Updated Japanese translation.
  • Updated Chinese translation.

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"Bezpieczeństwo jest podróżą, a nie celem samym w sobie - to nie jest problem, który można rozwiązać raz na zawsze"
"Zaufanie nie stanowi kontroli, a nadzieja nie jest strategią"
Nowa wersja , a poniżej lista ostatnich zmian w programie

Cytat:Version 4.5.2 Date: 6 March 2017
What’s New:
  • Signed with the latest certificate that expires on 28 February 2020
  • Added powershell with “-e” parameter in the command line rules.
Bugs Fixed:
  • Users will no longer be prompted to scan if USB Scan settings are set to “Prompt for Action” when both Universal AV & Offline AV is disabled.
  • “Start” button no longer shifts whenever the Compact Whitelist windows is moved
  • Fixed issue where Application Whitelisting notification is blocked when it is closed before UniversalAV completes scanning the blocked file
  • Resized the insert USB device window to prevent rendering issues when moving the window.
  • Removed double entries when adding a new whitelisted command line rule
  • Minor fixes to UI elements to account for the updated Japanese, French & traditional Chinese translations
  • Fixed optimization procedures of UniversalAV first scan of a freshly rebooted deviceResized delete button in the manual scanner to fit certain translations.
  • Change regsvr32.exe “/i” parameter to regsvr32.exe “/i:” in the command line rules
Version 4.6.0 Date: 18 April 2017
What’s New:
  • Now Drivers have additional signing by Microsoft.
  • Export/Import function in USB Removable Storage Device
  • Add description for USB storage device policy.
  • Redesign Removeable Media settings dialog.
Bugs Fixed:
  • SecureAPlus was unable to show notification for untrusted command line, if the command line is too long.
  • Black background color message bo displayed but the message box should be using theme background color.
  • “Real-time scanning is disabled.” and “Real-time scanning is enabled.” were not translated to foreign languages.
  • When trusted group is empty, it does not update this status to SecureAge Management Server.
  • After compact whitelist completed successfully the button supposed to change from “Cancel” to “Ok”.
  • Notification and Manual scanner background color does not follow the theme color.
  • The gap between items in a drop down combo box is too narrow.
  • “Game Mode” was not translated to Japanese language.
  • Make SecureAPlus.exe text in the context menu sharper in the higher resolution machine (right click on the tray icon).
  • For script, instead of showing its interpreter as the process (in interactive mode), now it shows the parent process that call the script interpreter.
  • Prevent crash in the context menu (right click on a file), when verifying the digital certificate.
  • Modify UAV scan result, Manage Whitelist, and Finish Installation dialog, so the background will follow the theme.
  • Remove white border in the standard buttons.
  • Updated German, Japanese, Polish and Russian translation.
Version 4.6.1 Date: 24 May 2017
What’s New:
  • Support add and overwrite whitelisted command line for SMS.
  • SecureAPlus Broadcast announcement.
  • Added tixati.exe, and zipware.exe into restricted application list.
  • Added refresh button in Command line rules and Whitelisted Command Line dialog.
  • Add log in the driver when renaming a file as script.
  • Added log for Antivirus file scanner context menu.
  • Prompt trusted user when a process (not an installer process) is creating a script.
  • Set border line for table column header in the main UI.
  • Set icon for Finish installation dialog, which will appear in the task bar.
Bugs Fixed:
  • After trusting a command line, it still prompt the user whether to trust the command line on the next execution.
  • License.exe was not deleted from temp folder.
  • Universal AV crashed when it is using proxy.
  • Client does not response to the server request to refresh the whitelisted USB storage.
  • Crash in the driver when auto whitelisting the default temporary .ps file.
  • SecureAPlus was unable to prompt for a file that is blocked if it can’t access the file.
  • Adding command line rule from the main UI, when the action is set to block all, the action changed to let user decide.
  • Unable to delete trusted group if the SID cannot be found.
  • When changing the action of command line rule, the entry becomes duplicate.
  • Double entries when adding a new whitelisted command line rule that has been in the list.
  • Crash when getting expiry date from the server if the server returns error.
  • Unable to add case sensitive command line from main UI.
  • Sometimes the temporary .ps1 file was not automatically trusted when the user mode SecureAPlus application is not up yet.
  • Script files are included in the initial whitelist.
  • Auto close “Finish Installation” dialog if user does not response in 1 minute.
  • Improve initial whitelisting speed when the speed is set to fast.
  • When a script is blocked, the log will show the parent process that is calling the script.
  • Re-layout Universal AV Scan result dialog to fit in low resolution screen.
  • Default trusted certificates are only added on the first time installation.
  • Modify dialog when prompting the user to set process as an installer.Previously “This process is not an installer. Set it as restricted application” button will only appear if user clicks on “More”. Now it will appears without the user need to click on “More” button.
  • Modify help files when application whitelisting prompting a user whether to trust an untrusted file.
  • Change text: “The process is creating a new executable file. Would you like to set the process as a trusted installer?” to “The process is creating a new executable or script file. Would you like to set the process as a trusted installer?”
  • Change “SecureAPlus Portal” to “Portal”.
  • Reduce standard text font size by 1 pt for Japanese and Chinese language.

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"Bezpieczeństwo jest podróżą, a nie celem samym w sobie - to nie jest problem, który można rozwiązać raz na zawsze"
"Zaufanie nie stanowi kontroli, a nadzieja nie jest strategią"
Sporo zmian w wydanej przed kilku dniami wersji 4.9.0 - poprawka do polskiej lokalizacji
Cytat:SecureAPlus v4.9.0

Some users reported that SecureAPlus dialogs look too big when display in the very high resolution. In this version we introduce a new feature that allow user to set custom scaling for SecureAPlus dialogs.

Here are the details of the changes in this version.
Bugs fixed:
- Typo in software update.
- Using Asteroid Belt theme, the text was not visible when prompting to scan USB flash drive.
- Antivirus service crashed when scan.db file was corrupted.
- Memory overrun in sanotifier.exe that sometimes caused sanotifier.exe crashed.
- Set process as trusted installer on-the-fly, does not permanently set the process file as a trusted installer.
- Some Polish text doesn't appear correctly during uninstallation.
- In some machines, sometimes the registration as antivirus failed. 

- Restore minimize button in the application whitelisting notification.
- When 2 USB storage devices are inserted at the same time, there will be 2 prompting to scan the USB device shown at the same time too.
Modify this to show the prompting one by one, one after another.

What's new:
- SecureAPlus uninstaller icon
- When importing whitelist during installation, give a warning to let the user know that the system may not be boot up anymore if the whitelist is not coming from the exactly identical machine.
- Browse themes.
- Custom scaling.
- Non-blocking upload file to Universal AV, for Application Whitelisting prompting.
- Added certutil.exe into restricted application list.
- German translation
- Polish translation
- Traditional and simplified Chinese translation

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I już poprawki związane z działaniem na systemach Windows XP i Vista
Cytat:SecureAPlus v4.9.2

We found bugs that caused some of SecureAPlus v4.9.0 components crash when run in XP, Vista, or 32-bit OS.
Yesterday we temporary released version 4.9.1 to revert back some of effected components.

Here are the detail of the changes for this version:
Bugs fixed:
- saappctl.sys and sascan.sys crash in XP and Vista
- sanotifier.exe crash in 32-bit OS. Some users may see the following error message: The procedure entry point ... could not be located in dynamic link library ...

- Resize sascanner dialog to fit 4 lines error code in lower resolution (1024x768).
- Maximum custom scale is set to 200.

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"Bezpieczeństwo jest podróżą, a nie celem samym w sobie - to nie jest problem, który można rozwiązać raz na zawsze"
"Zaufanie nie stanowi kontroli, a nadzieja nie jest strategią"
@ichito używasz ?!

Pare obrazków z aplikacji jak obecnie sie prezentuje.

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Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
Nie...wcześniejsze wersje testowałem i aktualizowałem do momentu, kiedy działała moja licencja. Już tak od roku-dwóch nie instalował nie powoduje, że zapomniałem o programie Smile
"Bezpieczeństwo jest podróżą, a nie celem samym w sobie - to nie jest problem, który można rozwiązać raz na zawsze"
"Zaufanie nie stanowi kontroli, a nadzieja nie jest strategią"
SecureAPlus jest bardziej rozbudowany i posiada tryb Certyfikatów i białych list aplikacji dodatkowo możliwość wyłączenia wybranych silników z chmury..

Gdzie w przypadku zemany od dłuższego czasu nie można zobaczyć z jakich silników Zemana korzysta jak zwykle te ich szemrane sztuczki dać wszystko a potem selektywnie wyłączać/ukrywać w swojej aplikacji :/

Myśle że SAP można bardziej śmiało polecać przy doborze muli skannera.
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
Zmiany w wersji Beta 5.0.3 Date: 15 August 2018
Cytat:New APEX engine and model
Register as antivirus option
Settings for APEX
Known Issues:
Freshclam.exe not found alert after removing ClamAV
Missing translations for some languages
SecureAPlus 5.03 shows up as "Status unavailable" in Windows Defender Security Center
Scrolling issue with bottom entry in the Virus Scanner window
Wrong icons when using non-default theme
Improve registration to Security Center after boot-up
Move Universal AV settings from Scan Settings to Universal AV
Merge Universal AV scan result with APEX
Show APEX detection as "Malicious" instead of showing the percentage
Bugs Fixed:
Some text in the UAV scanning for unknown file in the application whitelisting notification was not translated to foreign languages
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
SecureAPlus Beta 5.0.4 Date: 17 September 2018

What's New:

APEX v4.1
Added googledrivesync.exe as restricted application
Added log when user unblock and trust a file in the interactive mode
Added log when hitting command line rule
Added log to trace process by its pid
Added MicrosoftEdgeSH.exe into restricted application list
Hungarian translation
For case insensitive command, the command will be automatically converted to lower case. Previously the user has to manually write the lower case command line for case insensitive command
When whitelist a command line, SecureAPlus will automatically check whether it matches the case insensitive rule.

Known Issues:

As this new version did not addressed any of your previously reported issues, please do not submit the same bug report for this new version. Thank you for your kind understanding!
Change "Universal AV Regular Scanning" to "Universal AV Periodic Scanning"
Improve real-time scanning
Remove "Uninstall SecureAPlus APEX"
Relayout antivirus settings so that Russian and German translation can fit
Russian translation
When there are untrusted files during boot up, non-trusted account users will be prompted. Previously only trusted account users are prompted

Bugs Fixed:

Fixed crashed in sanotifier.exe
Fixed crashed in Universal AV
Some of the whitelisted command lines, which contain some special characters, were not shown in the SecureAPlusUI
When ClamAV is uninstalled, update virus signature is giving an error because freshclam.exe can no longer be found
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
A źródło? Smile
"Bezpieczeństwo jest podróżą, a nie celem samym w sobie - to nie jest problem, który można rozwiązać raz na zawsze"
"Zaufanie nie stanowi kontroli, a nadzieja nie jest strategią"

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Tu masz ale strona widoczna tylko po zalogowaniu Sad

Na otarcie łez masz screena Grin

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Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
Version 5.3.1 Date: 18 Mar 2019

What’s New:
SecureAPlus update is able to resume the download even if the computer is rebooted.

Bugs Fixed:
When there is no internet connection, Universal AV will display a message that it is unable to connect to the server.

Subsequent attempt to do a manual full system scan by clicking on the “Full System Scan” button will fail, even if the internet connection has been available.

Import USB whitelist will overwrite USB read-write settings because USB read-write setting was saved by the export function.

Export USB whitelist now will exclude read-write settings.

When there is no internet connection, Universal AV client will retry to reconnect at the background.
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
@Quassar używasz SeCAP na co dzień? Pytam, bo program trochę u nas zapomniany, a w sieci na innych forach ma wciąż całkiem przyzwoite notowania.
"Bezpieczeństwo jest podróżą, a nie celem samym w sobie - to nie jest problem, który można rozwiązać raz na zawsze"
"Zaufanie nie stanowi kontroli, a nadzieja nie jest strategią"
tak mam go u siebie na w10 na 2 kompie i działa system normalnie. nawet na wirtualnej maszynie.
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
Version 5.3.2 Date: 17 Apr 2019

What’s New:

SecureAge APEX model v5.9
ClamAV 0.101.2
Setting to enable/disable automatic full system scan.
When SecureAPlus license has expired, (1) APEX sensitivity is set to low and (2) Automatic full system scan would be disabled.
Resume silent installation after reboot if the installation terminated in the middle.
Added interpreter: inetinfo.exe and extension: .asp into script rule
Notification when there is a request for whitelist approval (setting is available at the portal).

Bugs Fixed:

The full system scan button did not animate when it performs an automatic full system scan.
Access denied when deleting virus file from app whitelisting dialog.
The error text message in Universal AV scan settings was not according to the theme color.


Auto upload now can be disabled permanently.
The auto upload will always be on for users that have an expired license.
Centralized auto upload setting for manual scanner and Universal AV full system scan.
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
ja też używam licencji SAP+ Avira, jestem zadowolony nie powoduje kolizji z Kasperskim
Eset Internet Security + CatchPulse
Version 5.3.6 Date: 16 May 2019
-To not overwrite SLogDrv.sys file
-Updated German translation
-The layout of Universal AV settings and SecureAPlus scanner was adjusted to fit foreign language text
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
Wersja 6.0.0 od pewnego czasu lista zmian poniżej w linku

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Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
Version 6.0.1 Date: 15 October 2019 (1)

Whats’s New:
-ClamAV v0.102.0

Bug Fixes:
-ClamAV version number was not shown properly in Windows XP.

-Improved fileless malware detection.
-Updated German translation.
-Changed the phrase from Enter custom scaling between 100-200 to Enter custom scaling between 90-200
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
Wersja 6.0.2

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Bug Fixes:

Unable to perform Chkdsk (autchk.exe) after reboot.
Computer freezes when script interpreter is set to *


On App Settings > Application Whitelisting > Advanced Settings > Status > Initial Application Whitelisting status, when whitelisting is in progress, the cursor shape is changed to pointing hand cursor to indicate that it is clickable.
Default settings for SecureAPlus Lite users are now fixed:
-Trusted by certificate that is in the trusted certificate list.
-Medium sensitivity for APEX
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
Version 6.0.3 Date: 23 December 2019

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What’s New:
Installer parameter: /NoDesktopShortcut for not creating desktop shortcut
ClamAV v0.102.1
APEX v5.5.3

Bug Fixes:
Software update for SecureAPlus Lite was disabled.

Updated Chinese, Japanese, and Polish polish translation.
Silent Mode to Do Not Disturb Mode changed.
Eset Internet Security + CatchPulse

Skocz do:

Użytkownicy przeglądający ten wątek: 1 gości