Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Tak zgadza sie problem występuje już od 3-4 dni pisałem na ten temant z MBAM wczoraj na FB i prosili bym napisał wątek na ich forum jak che liczyć na suport.

Wypowiedz Docent na forum DP (Redaktor DP)
Cytat:Wiemy o sprawie, rozmawiamy na ten temat z producentem MBAM.

Moim zdaniem zasłużyli sobie na to Grin
Z racji wciskanie jeb... PUP i to od długiego czasu szarym useromnie mniej jednak to jest w ich instalatorze a nie główniej stronie czy forum.

Możliwe że to przez ich natrętne rekalmy lub coś nababrali w kodzie strony.

Ciekawa wypowiedzdwóch użytkowników na ich forum.

moh3r: Openx to platforma reklamowa, nad którą DP nie ma żadnej kontroli (poza możliwością rezygnacji).
xeth: Openx xenium należy do portalu, może nie tyle należy co właścicielami dp i xenium są te same osoby.

DP moim zdaniem już dawno zeszło na psy.... i już tam rzadko wchodzę to nie mniej jednak udziela se tam od czasu do parę fajnych osób nawet z naszego forum pisząc ciekawe i obszerne artykuły.
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
Portal IT, który ma konotacje z o2 i nie może być z zasady dobrym i solidnym źródłem informacji "branżowych". Syf, kiła, malaria.
DP w ramach retorsji powinno usunąć temat o Malwarebytes i oczywiście zablokować możliwość pobierania instalek Idea
Chłopaki mają jaja, czy nie ?Lol
Panowie, to kwestia wielu czynników - tak poprawnie politycznie powiem Smile
A tak serio, MBAM jest zbyt czuły i to fakt. Co innego blokować serwery DP z softem jak to robi np. Chrome, co innego blokować CDN czy host z avatarami.
Tyle z mojej strony, ja jestem od newsów, nie spraw związanych z downloadem w sensie plikami.

A w kwestii pisania np. o MBAM czy innego typu sofcie to powiem tylko, że to właśnie na DP można poczytać np. o blokerach reklam (właśnie puściłem materiał na ten temat). Pokażecie mi inny portal lub spory "blog technologiczny" (jak to zwykli mawiać gadżeciarze), który z jednej strony żyje z reklam, a z drugiej nie boi się poruszać tematyki ich blokowania?
"Śmy" się zdublowali nieco Grin

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"Bezpieczeństwo jest podróżą, a nie celem samym w sobie - to nie jest problem, który można rozwiązać raz na zawsze"
"Zaufanie nie stanowi kontroli, a nadzieja nie jest strategią"
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Cytat:Issues Fixed:
- Fixed crash during Heuristic Analysis phase when scanning
- Fixed SDK database load errors by making a change to temporarily ignore the “Check for updates before scanning” setting for Scheduled Scans
Fixed crash when editing or removing an Access Policy if the name and description fields in the policy were different
Fixed issue where the “Restart computer when required for threat removal” setting did not appear correctly on Add or Edit Schedule dialogs
Updated end user license agreement
Known Issues:
The fix for the SDK database load error issue referenced above is not a permanent fix, but rather a work-around as we continue to investigated these errors.  As soon as we have a more permanent solution we plan to roll back the work-around and again honor the “Check for updates before scanning” setting.  We should hopefully have this ready for our next release, which will be coming soon.
If you continue to see these errors after installing 2.1.6, then please reduce the overall number of scheduled scans and updates you have set up.  If you stick with the default daily Threat Scan and one scheduled Update Check every couple hours, then you should be fine. 

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Anonymous is here for the people! EXPECT US.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

- License key is now displayed on the My Account screen
- Remaining subscription duration now displayed on My Account screen
- Implemented other licensing improvements to clarify license status
- Enhanced protection capabilities of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Web Protection
- Numerous enhancements to prepare for full compatibility with Windows 10
- Enhanced Malwarebytes Chameleon's ability to fully restore Malwarebytes functionality when affected by a malware infection
- Updated data collection techniques to improve malware research and analysis
- Removed "Exclude" button on Website Blocked notification to reduce inadvertent allowing of malicious sites
- Updated button text on Malware Detected and Non-Malware Detected notifications to clarify meaning
- Added enhanced support for High DPI displays
- Enabled the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free version to receive incremental database updates
- Added appropriate copyright notices and license statements for all third-party open source software
- Corrected translation errors for core non-English languages (German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian and Polish)
- Added support for Chinese Traditional, which is provided as a convenience for our users by a community volunteer and is not an officially supported language
- Several improvements to malware detection and remediation capabilities

Issues Fixed:
- Reverted the temporary change in v.2.1.6 that disabled checking for updates prior to scheduled scans
- Fixed SDK Database load errors for error code 2 and 1812
- Removed obsolete "Terminate program when no threats are found" setting since scans now run from the tray application
- Fixed several crashes that could occur during scan and quarantine operations
- Fixed crash that occurred when clicking the Clear Policies link on Access Policies screen
- Fixed issue where "Show notification after successful update" setting was not properly retained during upgrade from v.2.1.4 to v.2.1.6
- Fixed issue where "Close notification" setting was not retained during upgrade from v. 2.1.4 to v.2.1.6 if the user had changed that setting back to 7 seconds after installing v.2.1.4
- Fixed issue on the Quarantine screen where unselecting a quarantined item disabled the Delete and Restore buttons
- Fixed issue where incorrect program version was listed in the scan logs
- Disabled option to specify rootkit scanning as part of a Hyper scan
- Fixed issue in Windows 10 Tech Preview and Windows 8.1 where Malwarebytes Anti-Malware was unable to start in certain cases after self-protection was turned on
- Fixed issue where Malwarebytes Chameleon did not load properly on Windows XP SP3 in certain conditions
- Fixed issue which prevented Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v.2.1.4 (and higher) from upgrading over certain Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v.1.75 consumer builds
Anonymous is here for the people! EXPECT US.
MBAM dont see updates to lates version stuck at

can i please stand alone instaler?!
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.

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Dziwna ta polityka aktualizacji....

Dzięki.. z ver 2.1.7 mi zrobiło mi update do 2.1.8
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
Official update to version coming soon.
Anonymous is here for the people! EXPECT US.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

- License key is now displayed on the My Account screen
- Remaining subscription duration now displayed on My Account screen
- Implemented other licensing improvements to clarify license status
- Enhanced protection capabilities of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Web Protection
- Numerous enhancements to prepare for full compatibility with Windows 10
- Enhanced Malwarebytes Chameleon's ability to fully restore Malwarebytes functionality when affected by a malware infection
- Updated data collection techniques to improve malware research and analysis
- Removed "Exclude" button on Website Blocked notification to reduce inadvertent allowing of malicious sites
- Updated button text on Malware Detected and Non-Malware Detected notifications to clarify meaning
- Added enhanced support for High DPI displays
- Enabled the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free version to receive incremental database updates
- Added appropriate copyright notices and license statements for all third-party open source software
- Corrected translation errors for core non-English languages (German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian and Polish)
- Added support for Chinese Traditional, which is provided as a convenience for our users by a community volunteer and is not an officially supported language
- Several improvements to malware detection and remediation capabilities

Issues Fixed:
- Reverted the temporary change in v.2.1.6 that disabled checking for updates prior to scheduled scans
- Fixed SDK Database load errors for error code 2 and 1812
- Removed obsolete "Terminate program when no threats are found" setting since scans now run from the tray application
- Fixed several crashes that could occur during scan and quarantine operations
- Fixed crash that occurred when clicking the Clear Policies link on Access Policies screen
- Fixed issue where "Show notification after successful update" setting was not properly retained during upgrade from v.2.1.4 to v.2.1.6
- Fixed issue where "Close notification" setting was not retained during upgrade from v. 2.1.4 to v.2.1.6 if the user had changed that setting back to 7 seconds after installing v.2.1.4
- Fixed issue on the Quarantine screen where unselecting a quarantined item disabled the Delete and Restore buttons
- Fixed issue where incorrect program version was listed in the scan logs
- Disabled option to specify rootkit scanning as part of a Hyper scan
- Fixed issue in Windows 10 Tech Preview and Windows 8.1 where Malwarebytes Anti-Malware was unable to start in certain cases after self-protection was turned on
- Fixed issue where Malwarebytes Chameleon did not load properly on Windows XP SP3 in certain conditions
- Fixed issue which prevented Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v.2.1.4 (and higher) from upgrading over certain Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v.1.75 consumer builds

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Anonymous is here for the people! EXPECT US.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Beta
- Full support for Windows 10 operating system added

- Enhanced safeguards to prevent false positives on legitimate files
- Improved rootkit scanning to prevent false positives for Unknown.Rootkit.Driver and Unknown.Rootkit.VBR
- Minor user interface edits including updated Scan Results view and updated top navigation menu
- Added ability to sort the columns in Quarantine table under History tab
- Improved handling of scheduled updates set to run on reboot to prevent repeated missed updates
- Improved messaging in limited user accounts when an action requiring Admin privileges is attempted
- New message added when Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is running in a business environment
- Updated License Agreement included

Issues Fixed:
- Fixed security vulnerability and enhanced Malwarebytes Anti-Malware self-protection
- Fixed several issues related to updating databases in a limited user account
- Fixed issue where USB drives would not show as available for scanning on the Custom Scan Configuration screen
- Fixed several licensing issues that could potentially cause invalid license and protection states
- Fixed problem where double-clicking the tray icon would not launch the user interface

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Anonymous is here for the people! EXPECT US.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Beta
Cytat:Issues Fixed:
- Fixes the problem where the MBAM GUI would minimize to the system tray in Premium mode.  It now minimizes correctly to the task bar again

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Anonymous is here for the people! EXPECT US.
Beta comes stable Grin
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Official
- Full support for Windows 10 operating system added

- Enhanced safeguards to prevent false positives on legitimate files
- Improved rootkit scanning to prevent false positives for Unknown.Rootkit.Driver and Unknown.Rootkit.VBR
- Minor user interface edits including updated Scan Results view and updated top navigation menu
- Added ability to sort the columns in Quarantine table under History tab
- Improved handling of scheduled updates set to run on reboot to prevent repeated missed updates
- Improved messaging in limited user accounts when an action requiring Admin privileges is attempted
- New message added when Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is running in a business environment
- Updated License Agreement included

Issues Fixed:
- Fixed security vulnerability and enhanced Malwarebytes Anti-Malware self-protection (Thanks to Joxean Koret for alerting Malwarebytes to the vulnerability.)

- Fixed several issues related to updating databases in a limited user account
- Fixed issue where USB drives would not show as available for scanning on the Custom Scan Configuration screen
- Fixed several licensing issues that could potentially cause invalid license and protection states
- Fixed problem where double-clicking the tray icon would not launch the user interface

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Anonymous is here for the people! EXPECT US.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Official
- Context Menu scanning option is now enabled by default.  Note if you had this option disabled previously and want to retain that setting, you must disable again manually this one time only.  Future updates will retain the setting properly
- Improved renewal experience for those who purchased in retail store so that the original license key is retained post-renewal instead of requiring that a new key be entered and activated
- Improved End of Trial experience so it is clear that trial has expired and real-time protection is no longer available
- Added additional license checks to ensure subscription details are updated as quickly as possible after a renewal is processed
- Updated company and product logos with new logo
- For Premium subscription licenses, removed Renew button from My Account screen to avoid confusion over license term

Issues Fixed:
- Fixed security vulnerability to ensure database updates are downloaded over SSL connections only

- Fixed crash that occurred if Dell Backup and Recovery software was installed on same system
- Fixed issue where scheduled scan did not honor weekly recurrence properly
- Fixed issue where license expiration notices were incorrectly displaying multiple times in rapid succession
- Fixed issue where the Scheduler would continue to run in certain cases after a trial had expired
- Fixed issue where the update progress bar on the Dashboard would appear to hang and would never complete
- Several improvements to Chameleon self-protection

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Anonymous is here for the people! EXPECT US.

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Announcing Beta of Malwarebytes 3.0, a Next-Generation Antivirus Replacement
"Today we have released the beta of our next-generation product, Malwarebytes 3.0! This product is built to provide comprehensive protection against today’s threat landscape so that you can finally replace your traditional antivirus.
Our engineers have spent the last year building this product from the ground up and have combined our Anti-Malware, Anti-Exploit, Anti-Ransomware, Website Protection, and Remediation technologies all into a single product which we simply call “Malwarebytes.” And it scans your computer 3-4 times faster!
When we launch Malwarebytes 3.0, we are confident that you can finally replace your traditional antivirus, thanks to our innovative and layered approach to preventing malware infections using a healthy combination of proactive and signature-less technologies. While signatures are still effective against threats like potentially unwanted programs, the majority of our malware detection events already come from our signature-less technologies like our Anti-Exploit and Anti-Ransomware; that trend will only continue to grow. For many of you, this is something you already know, since over 50% of our customers already run Malwarebytes as their sole security software, without any third-party antivirus. But rest assured, we will continue to support compatibility if you choose to use a third-party antivirus or other security software alongside Malwarebytes 3.0.
With the combination of our Anti-Malware ($24.95), Anti-Exploit ($24.95) and Anti-Ransomware (free, beta) technologies, we will be selling Malwarebytes 3.0 at $39.99 per computer per year, 20% less than our previous products combined and 33% less than an average traditional antivirus. As we did with our change from perpetual to subscription, we will grandfather in existing customers at their current price. We are still working out the details, but I assure you we will take care of all existing customers. As always, we will be keeping malware remediation absolutely free."
Performance / Protective Capability:
•   Added signature-less anti-exploit and anti-ransomware protection (Premium only)
•   Up to 4x faster scan speeds, including even quicker Hyper Scans
•   Removed non-essential reboots after certain malware removal events
•   Advanced Heuristic Engine (Shuriken) now enabled by default
•   Self-Protection now enabled by default (Premium only)
•   Redesigned user interface for improved usability
•   Now configurable to integrate with Windows Action Center / Windows Security Center (Premium only)
•   Update checks are done automatically so they do not need to be scheduled
•   Improved support for keyboard navigation and screen readers
Stability / Issues Fixed:
•   Added ability to lock down My Account screen via User Access Policy
•   Added ability to collect enhanced logs when directed to do so by Support
•   Fixed issue where Scheduler did not adjust for Daylight Saving Time changes
•   Fixed issue where Scheduler defaulted to hourly Threat Scan instead of Daily
•   Fixed issue where Chameleon reported error messages numerous times to Windows Event Viewer
•   Changed 'Recover if missed by' setting in Scheduler to Off by default
•   Prevented rootkit scanning in Custom Scans if full system drive is not selected
•   Updated to latest version of 7-Zip DLL
•   Addressed many other miscellaneous defects
Grab it from here if you want to give it a try:

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New interface screenshots:

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Super że te funkcję są w jednej apce. Czy adwcleaner jest już wbity w tą apke czy jeszcze nie ?
Malwarebytes 3.0 Public Beta Number 2

Cytat: Thank you all for the tremendous help in testing thus far. Based on your feedback, we're releasing a second public beta. The team was able to squash almost 100 different bugs in this release.
1. It is a requirement that you must uninstall the first beta and reboot before installing public beta 2.
2. Due to a bug in the first beta's uninstaller, Windows Defender may turn off. It is imperative that you check the status of Windows Defender after uninstalling the first beta and make sure it's where you want it to be.
Change Log
  • Many performance improvements, including reduced memory and CPU usage and quicker Malwarebytes startup times
  • Several fixes to program update and upgrade functionality, including incorrectly showing the "Updates not current' message in the dashboard
  • Added new error message if an update check failed due to no internet connection
  • Fixed the issue where the “Warn user” setting for Potentially Unwanted Programs and Potentially Unwanted Modifications was not honored 
  • Fixed File and Folder Exclusions entry fields to not allow text entry so specific files or folders are required
  • Fixed the issue where you might see inconsistent protection statuses upon install or upgrade Fixed issue where if you had the ‘Recover if missed by’ setting enabled Malwarebytes might attempt to scan after every reboot
  • Fixed issue where Anti-Exploit Protected Application settings were not disabling appropriately
  • Fixed issue where Web Protection would not start in Premium or Trial modes in Windows XP
  • Fixed several issues around integration with Windows Security Center / Windows Action Center
  • The majority of translations of supported languages are now included, though there are still a handful of missing strings
  • Non-English text should no longer appear garbled during the install wizard
  • Fixed the issue where the version listed in the Change Log for was incorrect
  • Fixed user interface scaling issues with high DPI settings
  • Many minor user interface design improvements (spacing, font sizes, colors, etc.)
  • Export button was removed from the main Reports screen
  • Fixed issue where anti-ransomware would not show a reboot prompt after a detection if the user interface was closed
  • Changed the location of anti-ransomware data folder
  • Fixed issue where a Custom Scan would hang on a large file
  • Fixed issue that could occur in certain circumstances when upgrading from Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit to Malwarebytes 3.0 where the anti-exploit DLLs would not un-inject
  • Fixed BSOD that could happen with self-protection driver
  • Fixed BSOD with web protection driver that could happen on Windows Vista
  • Fixed a hang during uninstall on Vista x86
  • Fixed user interface crash that could occur on Windows XP
Malwarebytes 3.0 beta 2 download: 

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