WinPatrol™2014 v30.0 jest już dostępny

Cytat: WinPatrol 2014 Preview

This year seems like the computer industry is changing more than any other. After 16 years it was time for WinPatrol to make some dramatic change both inside and out. WinPatrol 2014 will have the user interface that looks as new as Windows 8 but will continue to work just as easy on Windows XP. You''ll see a preview of some of our new graphics but the best is yet to come.

Best Performance Yet
While the time has come to improve the look of WinPatrol it was still more important to optimize portions of the WinPatrol real-time monitor. It''s clear that many older machines are still providing a service even if they have a single core CPU and minimal memory. Our first version of WinPatrol 2014 isn''t a beta edition. It''s being released now to take advantage of many new enhancements but it''s still a "Preview" of what''s to come. Many common system checks that we previously read from the Windows registry are now stored in WinPatrol''s local memory and updated only if needed. This not only saves CPU cycles but it also saves our disc access. Other programs may rely on third-party software libraries but we still maintain complete control over every instruction executed by WinPatrol to detect changes. Users with programs like Process Explorer will see the improvement immediately.

The WinPatrol report and Hijack report have also been updated to be more useful. Since internally Windows 7 and Windows 8 are still considered Windows version 6 we''ve made sure to do the proper conversion letting reports accurately provide version numbers for both Windows and Internet explorer.

New Cookie Support
Unlike many programs WinPatrol has never relied on 3rd party program libraries for popular features. The code in the two main WinPatrol components uses the "C" programming language and has been written at a Windows API level by WinPatrol''s developer, Bill Pytlovany. One exception is a DLL called SQLite3.dll which is used to access files which are part of the SQLite database. Both Firefox and Chrome use the open source, public domain SQLite database to store their cookies. The only way for WinPatrol to access these cookies is to use the SQLite code. In December a new version of SQLite3.dll was released and has been included with WinPatrol 2014.
The new version of SQLite should fix some cookie bugs which have been reported. We also plan on adding support for Chrome and Firefox plug-in''s so having the new verion is also great incentive. If you look at the files we list under the Hidden tab you''ll notice files starting with etilqs_. These are typically temporary files that are used by a program which uses the SQLite database.

Windows Update Handling
WinPatrol notifications include information on the removal of any programs which are currently on the list of auto running files and control panel entries for installed programs. We''ve found that during normal Microsoft Windows updates these entries are replaced and are expected changes that won''t need notifications. As with previous notifications WinPatrol wants you to know when a change occurs but not overwhelm you with messages.

Restore Position and Size
WinPatrol is one of the few programs that use a tabbed interface but allow you to resize your window. Over the years based on user feedback we do provide a maximum and minimize button. In the past our maximize setting was not always saved from one session to another. This new version fixes that problem and other issues related to changes in multi-monitor configurations.

Other changes to WinPatrol 2014 are minor but very important. In our last version a typo was introduced in the text displayed by the Scotty system tray icon. Instead of letting you know Scotty was ready to pounce our typo said he was ready to bounce. While Scottie''s can certainly bounce I was pleased that so many of you reported this error. It''s a very embarrassing but I''m glad to know that folks are reading our messages. It helped us review many of our text messages to make sure they would be useful.

Delayed Start
One of the new favorite features, Delayed Start has been updated to handle some unique filename and parameter combinations which did not work as we expected. We''ve also optimized our background monitor while waiting for programs yet to be launched. The ""-express"" parameter is used when WinPatrol first launches so we can provide the quickest start time possible. We still believe computers should turn on as quickly as TV''s. While computer are starting quicker it''s sad to see our new TV''s seem to be taking longer.

Coming to a WinPatrol near you.

International Date Time Format
I expect some of our interface enhancements will affect our non-English versions until we find all the quirks. I hope to make it up by providing dates and times so they conform with regional formats. While proud of being made in the U.S. our friends around the world have always been supportive and deserve a globally friendly WinPatrol.

Help Files and Videos
Improving our help files and documentation will be a priority so new users understand how and why WinPatrol works. Our software was the first of its kind and is still unique in its operation. Folks who discover WinPatrol often ask about conflicts with their favorite Anti-Virus software. I''m always happy to let everyone know that Scotty works and plays well with others.

Tooltip functionality is high on the list for 2014. Like other programs putting your mouse over an action item will explain its purpose using standard Windows tips.

Scheduled Tasks
Coming up this year will be additional support for Scheduled Tasks 2.0 which has so much potential which isn’t used. The new Scheduled Task has a variety of behaviors that are controlled by a wide range of triggers or events. WinPatrol was the first program to alert users to newly installed tasks. Programs could be scheduled to run with a simple .job text file added to the right folder. There was no security to prevent tasks from being added. I didn’t rush to add support Scheduled Task 2.0 because it requires a high level of access. Unfortunately, I’ve found users are agreeing to programs that allow Conduit browser hijacks as new scheduled task.

WinPatrol Insiders
Time management has been challenging without a full-time staff. I will soon be announcing the WinPatrol Associate Program for longtime fans and WinPatrol insiders. T he goal of this program is to assist development through crowd source type funding and offers of time and experience. Depending on the level, WinPatrol Associates will receive promotion of their own personal projects, recognition of their support, have access to create PLUS codes, access to statistics and have a say in the direction we take.

While this is our 2014 priority list as of January we''re anxious to hear from our friends, new and old. Send your thoughts to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->. If you''re reporting errors screen captures are welcome.


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Zapomniałem dodać info parę dni temu, że wyszła nowa wersja tego zacnego programu Smile

Cytat: WinPatrol 30.1.2014.0

International Date and Time Formats:
As previously announced WinPatrol 2014 will continue to support our friends outside the U.S. You''ll find this version handles formats as defined in the region control panel applet.
SQLite - Cookies:
The only 3rd party software used by WinPatrol is an open-source public domain library named SQLite3.DLL This file is used by Chrome and Mozilla to store their cookies. If you see files in our Hidden list that start with "etilqs_" they indicate a SQLite database files. WinPatrol uses this file to help you manage your cookies. To continue our full cookie support this update includes the latest SQLite library.
WinPatrol Installation:
The setup program has been improved to include more information on using WinPatrol effectively.
Graphic Enhancements:
Graphics associated with WinPatrol lists have been updated. The graphic which represents real-time monitoring has been updated so PLUS users are provided a clear indication that monitoring is active.
ActiveX Non-PLUS error:
We''ve had some reports that indicate WinPatrol can get confused about being a PLUS version. The main symptom is having an update button appear in the list of ActiveX controls.
Column Sorting:
One of the functions used by our column sorting has been improved so sorting programs will be more consistent. In the process we also found that the company was not being displayed correctly.
Environment Variables:
This version fixes a big in our handling of the %SYSTEMROOT% environment variable. It also improves handling of 64 bit file redirection for other environment variables.
Sprawdzał ktoś może jak spisują się ostatnie wersje na Win8.1?
Nie mam wprawdzie Win8, tylko WinXP, ale zmuszony byłem
odinstalować pierwszą wersję z serii 30, i wrócić do poprzedniej, ostatniej z builda 29.

Przeżyłem coś około 40 aktualizacji WinPatrol (w większości PLUS), i nigdy nie było najmniejszych problemów.
Po zainstalowaniu 30-tki, były u mnie problemy z interfejsem graficznym, niektóre przyciski/ikonki na chwilę znikały,
gdy próbowało się na nie kliknąć (w sekcji ''Cookies''), czasami zbyt wąski interfejs obcinał zawartość.

Najgorsze jednak było to, że znikła mi ikonka MBAM z zasobnika, i pojawił się standardowy komunikat Windows o błędzie
(''error reporting service''); po chwili to samo zdarzyło się z ikonką KeyScramblera, a po bootowaniu - z ikonką Aviry.

Nie mam pojęcia, co spowodowało takie zachowanie,
być może jakieś wzajemne oddziaływanie programów ochronnych w kontekście mojego OS?

Wróciłem więc do ostatniej wersji z cyklu 29, i wszystko jest OK.
Dla wszystkich użytkowników Windows XP, nowa cena licencji WinPatrol PLUS - tylko 2$:

Cytat: PLUS Upgrade Disount for Windows XP

The new Safe Update engine will also detect which version of Windows you''re running.
If we detect you''re still running Windows XP we want to provide as much protection as possible.
It''s selfish because if a Windows XP machine is infiltrated it could turn into a "bot"
which is used to send SPAM or deploy additional viruses. If we detect you''re using Windows XP
you''ll see a link to a special Windows XP sale page. The name of this page will routinely change
but it will have a PayPal button that allows you to upgrade to WinPatrol PLUS for only $2.00 USD.

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Bardzo dobry program, używam, ale jedno mnie irytuje, mianowicie win patrol nie blokuje dodawanych automatycznych wpisów w autostarcie... Pojawia się okno z informacją, klikam "reject change" ale wpis w autostarcie i tak się pojawia. Jakieś sugestie?
SSFW + Sbie
Wchodzisz w odpowiednią zakładkę w GUI, klikasz ''Disable'' dla programu który chcesz wyłączyć z autostartu,
i tym razem jest to skuteczne (i wygodne, nawet bardziej niż to okienko).Można też wcisnąć ''Remove'',
co jest oczywiście bardziej radykalne i mniej odwracalne niż opcja ''Disable''.

Notabene, od jakiegoś czasu jest już wersja 31.x
Przeczytaj jeszcze raz to co napisałem, -nie blokuje wpisu do autostartu.
SSFW + Sbie
Po co mam czytać jeszcze raz co napisałeś?

WinPatrol raczej nie ingeruje w instalacje, mimo komunikatów, tak ma, przynajmniej u mnie, a używam go od 6 lat.
Może to kwestia uprawnień, czy tego że wchodzi do HKCU a nie do HKLM, trudno powiedzieć.
Poza tym, to nie jest HIPS ani anty-exe, itp., i nie ma co od niego za dużo wymagać,
bo on raczej monitoruje i pozwala zarządzać systemem, a nie jest programem blokującym.

Podałem Ci sposób, który działa w ramach tego programu.Uwagi o niedziałającym ''reject change'' najlepiej wysłać
bezpośrednio do wsparcia/supportu programu.
To że można ''disable'' lub ''remove'' to wiem. Okienko z komunikatem nie spełnia swojej roli, bo gdy nawet klikam w ''reject'' to wpis i tak się pojawia.
Ale masz rację, może napiszę do twórcy i zapytam.
SSFW + Sbie
WinPatrol nie jest programem, który ustala reguły dla programó nie jest HIPS ani bloker ani tzw. IDS czyli program tylko informujący o zachodzących zmianach. Reszty trzeba dokonać samemu albo w WP albo w innych programach, które mogą nakładać jakieś obostrzenia dla wybranych procesów/obszarów systemu. Może nie będę popularny, ale dla mnie WinPatrol jest tylko zbiorem narzędzi, które za darmo oferują inne znane programy jak AutoRuns czy Anvir Task Manager czy System Explorer...jego przydatnośc była dla mnie zawsze wątpliwa i wolałbym już bardziej MJ Registry Watcher na przykład, bo przynajmniej to mogę ustalić poziom ochrony, a same zmiany odrzucić lub zaakceptować.
"Bezpieczeństwo jest podróżą, a nie celem samym w sobie - to nie jest problem, który można rozwiązać raz na zawsze"
"Zaufanie nie stanowi kontroli, a nadzieja nie jest strategią"
Dokładnie tak samo uważam - w sumie WinPatrol to w dużej części zbiór informacji i procedur,
które są dostępne dla bardziej świadomych użytkowników, a zaletą jest to
że są zebrane w jednym miejscu, program jest lekki i łatwy w użyciu, itd.

Ja się do niego po prostu przyzwyczaiłem, a ostatnio brakuje mi w nim hierarchii/drzewa procesów,
bo potrzebne mi to było do wyjątków w innym programie.
Rozumiem, jednakże trochę to dziwne że jest taka opcja jak ''reject change'' i ''allow change''przy jakimś tam wpisie do autostartu.
No szkoda, bo program jest lekki i naprawdę mi się spodobał.

@ichito, nie będę tworzył nowego tematu w dziale zabezpieczeń; co byś polecił zamiast WinPatrol?
Mam PrivateFirewall 7, Sandboxie(free), Panda Usb Vaccine, Firewall na Ruterze z włączoną filtracją po MAC, UAC włączone.
-Win 7 Prof 64.
SSFW + Sbie
Jeśli masz PFW, to WinPatrol nie jest już Ci potrzebny...on ma moduł HIPS/bloker i to bardzo skuteczny. Natomiast odnośnie zarządzania autostartem/procesami/usługami to polecić mogę wspomniane wcześniej AutoRuns, Anvir Task Manager i System Explorer...te dwa ostatnie dają więcej możliwości działania. W PFW możesz w ustawieniach zaawansowanych wyznaczyć procesy/programy które będą uruchamiane z ograniczonymi uprawnieniami - to jako dodatkowa ochrona oprócz Sandboxie i ograniczeń wynikających z UAC.
"Bezpieczeństwo jest podróżą, a nie celem samym w sobie - to nie jest problem, który można rozwiązać raz na zawsze"
"Zaufanie nie stanowi kontroli, a nadzieja nie jest strategią"
Jest nowy właściciel WinPatrolu, pan Bret Lowry:

Cytat:I''m very happy to announce WinPatrol''s future will be in the hands of Ruiware founder
and former lead at Sunbelt Software, Bret Lowry.

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Oczywiście, zapewnia on o utrzymaniu wysokiej jakości programu - zarówno od strony merytorycznej,
jak i etycznej (brak reklam, toolbarów, jakichś dodatków, itd.).Jak będzie w praktyce, czas pokaże.
Lubię ten program, mam nadzieję, że będzie coraz lepszy, byle nie coraz cięższy.Smile
Cytat:WinPatrol v32.0.2014

July 19th, 2014
WinPatrol v32 from Ruiware

This version marks the start of WinPatrol Generation II and the introduction of Bret Lowry co-found of Ruiware. Bret was software architect and lead at Sunbelt Software responsible for the growth of CounterSpy and VIPRE Business bringing Sunbelt to the top of Anti-Virus comparison charts.

The combined experience of Bret and Bill led to a month long code review of WinPatrol resulting in many improvements which may not be obvious. PLUS users will notice robust detection of changes so WinPatrol notifications arrive ahead of warnings by your Anti-Virus programs.

Version v32 demostrates Bret''s commitment to everyone using WinPatrol and continues to be a free upgrade to lifetime PLUS members. If you haven''t already, upgrade to PLUS today and show your support.

New Start Menu and System Tray Icons

Changes to the Scotty system tray icon generated a much larger reaction than expected. Part of the problem was the color yellow is commonly used as a warning. The new Scotty system tray icon is easier to see with a new traditional Scotty icon on a green background. Our yellow tile with Scotty will still be used but only to indicate when a scan for changes is in process. If a notification is displayed, the yellow icon will continue to show until you accept or reject the change.
The Blue Orb icon was introduced when Vista users found our original icon hard to view. The Blue Orb will be used by our install program, wpsetup.exe. For anyone with a Start Menu, you''ll also find more readable tile icons for WinPatrol(Green), WinPatrol Explorer(Blue), Uninstall(Purple) and Help(Yellow).

Pale Moon

Many WinPatrol users have requested support for the Mozilla browser called Pale Moon. In the last version support for Cookies stored by Pale Moon was added and identified as a Mozilla type of a browser. Unfortunately, while WinPatrol handled cookies for Pale Moon it only included the Mozilla choice is another Mozilla browser was detected such as Firefox. This error has been corrected and if WinPatrol finds that Pale Moon has been installed it will include the Mozilla option on our screen for setting up cookie filters. As always, WinPatrol will support any browser that Windows identifies as the default when requesting PLUS Info or Safe Update versions.

Safe Update Version Info

Our Safe Update button will now include version information for security programs Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and Microsoft Security Essentials where appropriate.

Server Optimization

WinPatrol v32 optimizes communication with our server in the case of a denial of service attack occurs. While WinPatrol will never create enough traffic to hurt your local network our new optimization will make sure you have all the bandwidth you need.


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Dobrze, że ten soft wciąż jeszcze się rozwija. Pamiętacie swego czasu promocję na WinPatrol za niespełna 1$? Smile
Oj tak.. niedawno zresztą było coś podobnego. Wydaje mi się, że pod kierownictwem nowej osoby ten program może nieco bardziej rozwinąć skrzydła Smile
Na stronie WinPatrol jest promo 70% na programik Wink Nie mogę znależć do kiedy... Zapewne już się kończy bo to na Święta taka zniżka.

70% off Christmas Celebration WinPatrol PLUS...
SSFW + Sbie
A kupiłem sobie WinPatrol Pack'a za 7 dyszek Grin, 2 softy na 5 kompów (good deal)
Warstwy ochrony

1)Ograniczenie/blokowanie dostępu do danych/aplikacji
2)Odizolowanie i tworzenie osobnych baz danych/aplikacji
3)Kopia zapasowa systemu/ważnych danych.
4)Wykrywanie i kasowanie wirusów/złośliwych aplikacji.

Skocz do:

Użytkownicy przeglądający ten wątek: 5 gości